hutong global co.,ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Barium Hydroxide Monohydrate
CAS No: 22326-55-2
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic salts
Product spec: 98%
Post Time: 2014-03-21
Description: Barium Hydroxide Monohydrate CAS No.: 22326-55-2 Purity: 98% min Appearance: WHITE GRANULOSE CRYSTAL Packaging Detail: Packed in Polypropylene bag, lined with polyethylene, 25kgs/bag net. Barium Hydroxide Mono. SPECS: PURITY: 99%min. BARIUM CARBONATE : 0.5%max. FE: 0.0015%max. CHLORIDE: 0.05%max. HCL INSOLUBLE: 0.05%max. Application: It is mainly used as the additive for the lubricant of internal-combustion engine. It is a kind of superfinish multi-purpose additive for barium-based grease and oil. It can also be used for beet sugar fabrication and medicine. It is the raw material of plastic and rayon. It can be used as resin stabilizer. It is suitable for organic synthesis and other barium salt fabrication, demineralized water, glass and porcelain enamel industries.
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